Motion Pro Chain & Cable Essentials Tool Kit Motion Pro Chain and Cable Essentials Tool Kit

- Features
- Chain and cable essential tool kit includes, Chain Alignment Tool, SlackSetter Pro, Cable Luber V3, and Chain Brush
- The Chain Alignment Tool body clamps squarely to rear sprocket so the alignment rod will indicate sprocket alignment to chain
- Cable Luber V3 makes it easy to efficiently lube control cables without a mess
- The double ended Chain Brush for cleaning chains and other components
- SlackSetter Pro accurately and quickly measures chain slack
- Features
- Chain and cable essential tool kit includes, Chain Alignment Tool, SlackSetter Pro, Cable Luber V3, and Chain Brush
- The Chain Alignment Tool body clamps squarely to rear sprocket so the alignment rod will indicate sprocket alignment to chain
- Cable Luber V3 makes it easy to efficiently lube control cables without a mess
- The double ended Chain Brush for cleaning chains and other components
- SlackSetter Pro accurately and quickly measures chain slack
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