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Jims USA

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About Jims USA

Serious machines require serious tools. If you’re mechanically inclined and enjoy anything, from basic maintenance to full-on engine builds of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, there’s probably a tool from Jims that’ll make the job a LOT easier.

The company was founded by Jim Thiessen in 1967, who himself was already a successful machinist within the aerospace industry. Though it wasn’t a full time gig at first, word got ‘round that, if you wanted help with looking after any of the MoCo’s bikes, Jim was the guy who had a tool to make the job easier, or maybe even some parts that made it run better. By the mid 70’s, Mr. Thiessen committed himself full-time to the brand that bears his name, and we can all be thankful for that.

By employing skilled engineers and machinists who happen to know a thing or two about HD motorcycles, the catalog has expanded substantially to what you see at PartsGiant today – over 700 items; parts, tools, and even complete transmissions, to fit the most famous motorcycle on earth. Every tool from Jims is designed to save you time looking after your bike. Many of these same tools are employed mechanics at HD dealers as well because they’re smart, well made, and designed to last.