A must-add to the PV3
Christopher Walker
Verified Purchaser
I wrote a review very similar to this for the Dynojet PV3. I encourage folks to get the Autotune with it, or they will be at the mercy of others in the world who may have their same setup. Or they can bring their bikes to a dealership with Dynojet software and a dynojet for tuning. Expensive, but if you intend on doing any mods/upgrades on your Harley (I have a 2012 Fatboy and a 2007 Night Rod Special), you want to tune your bike to properly accommodate an improved air-breather, an upgraded exhaust, upgraded cams, etc. I have a V&H FP3 on my Fatboy, but California ruined things for the rest of the country, so what I needed for my Night Rod could only be properly done with the Dynojet setup. My local dealer does not have a dynamometer, so I need to Autotune. I bought the Dynojet Autotune setup for the PV3, and it worked like a dream. With just 45 minutes of driving down country roads, city streets, and highway, I was able to load the catalog into the base map (I got the base map from Dynojet, and it pretty much worked well—enhanced breather and 2-into-1 competition pipes). The Autotune greatly improved performance, fuel consumption, and eliminated pops/backfires on deceleration. Spend the money and get the Autotune with the PV3. Thank me later.