Bike Master Brake Bleeder
Vincent L.
Verified Purchaser
Works good
5.0 of 5 stars (2 reviews)
Item: 356481
$44.68 $44.68
Universal Fit: Review specifications carefully.
Product Note:
Vincent L.
Verified Purchaser
Works good
By Montana T on
Worked exactly as I had hoped. Worked perfectly on the wife’s 2010 Harley Davidson FLHXXX trike, both front and rear hydraulic brakes. Pulled a full 28 ounces of fluid through the lines clearing out the old moisture saturated fluid and all the bubbles. I had replaced her rear discs and pads last fall but still had a soft pedal. This full flush did the trick. Brakes work like new now! Great price for a great product.
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By Wolverine5873
I have a 2010 Limited FLHTK Harley - Davidson, getting ready to change front brake lines that have abs on it, figured this looks good to get rid of air I will have in system
Yessir, there are indeed instructions included with the bleeder that'll tell you exactly how to use the device. All you need is an airline that provides 70-110 psi and you're all set!
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