2003 flhrci with cobra headers-computer changes?
By Mike
Greetings! really want a set of 4.5" slipons. I now have a big bore kit and cams, cobra headers and a simple after market air cleaner. Will I need computer changes or a visit to the dyno? Thanks! Mike
In the case of your machine's configuration, if you haven't adjusted fuel delivery already, you'll certainly need to do that. A trip to the dyno is always best, but you'll need the requisite fuel tuning components to get the job done. For the amount of work you've had done, you'll need a TTS MasterTune Bike Communications Interface along with the TTS MasterTune Cable Kit to get the job done. Something like an Fi2000R or FP3 isn't going to be able to deliver enough fuel to get the job done. That said, if you've already had the engine tuning done, then you can probably get away with installing the slip-ons without issue since most of the exhaust restriction was removed with the OEM headers. Still, to get the best possible engine performance and throttle response, we always recommend that fuel delivery is updated any time you change the way air gets into, or out of, the engine.