Perfect for stock replacement and high performance applications, these crankcases offer some unique features. Besides being machined for a crank position sensor, they are also compatible with stock flywheel assemblies, primary covers, gear covers and are clearance for 38 amp alternator stators.
Features and Benefits
Relocated cam chest oil pick-up increases gear case scavenging and virtually eliminates oil carry-over at sustained high speeds
Product Note:
Varies (make selection above)
Varies (make selection above)
Country of Origin
Engine Type
Evolution Big Twin
Varies (make selection above)
OEM Reference
Varies (make selection above)
Vehicle Fitment
Fitment is guaranteed or your money back plus free return shipping.
Don’t waste time installing a product that doesn't fit. We worked hard ensuring that this product is an exact fit on the vehicles listed below.
Harley Davidson
CVO FXR2 1999
CVO FXR3 1999
FLH Electra Glide 1984-1985
FLHR Electra Glide Road King 1994
FLHR Road King 1995-1999
FLHRCI Road King Classic 1998-1999
FLHRI Road King 1996-1999
FLHS Electra Glide Sport 1984-1993
FLHT Electra Glide 1986-1987
FLHT Electra Glide Standard 1995-1999
FLHTC Electra Glide Classic 1984-1999
FLHTC Liberty Electra Glide Classic Liberty 1986
FLHTCI Electra Glide Classic 1996-1999
FLHTCU Ultra Classic Electra Glide 1989-1999
FLHTCUI Ultra Classic Electra Glide 1995-1999
FLHX Electra Glide Special 1984-1985
FLST Heritage Softail 1986-1990
FLSTC Heritage Softail Classic 1988-1999
FLSTF Softail Fat Boy 1990-1999
FLSTN Heritage Softail Nostalgia 1993
FLSTN Heritage Softail Special 1994-1996
FLSTS Heritage Springer Softail 1997-1999
FLTC Tour Glide Classic 1984-1991
FLTCU Ultra Classic Tour Glide 1989-1995
FLTCUI Ultra Classic Tour Glide 1996
FLTR Road Glide 1998-1999
FLTRI Road Glide 1998-1999
FXD Dyna Super Glide 1995-1999
FXDB Dyna Daytona 1992
FXDB Dyna Sturgis 1991
FXDC Dyna Glide Custom 1992
FXDL Dyna Low Rider 1993-1999
FXDS-CONV Dyna Convertible 1994, 1999
FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide 1993-1999
FXE Super Glide 1984
FXEF Super Glide Fat Bob 1985
FXLR Low Rider Custom 1987-1994
FXR Super Glide 1986-1994
FXRC Low Glide 1985
FXRC Low Rider Chrome 1987
FXRD Grand Touring Edition 1986
FXRDG Disc Glide 1984
FXRS Low Glide 1984-1992
FXRS-CONV Low Rider Convertible 1990-1993
FXRS-SP Low Rider Sport Edition 1987-1993
FXRT Sport Glide 1984-1992
FXSB Low Rider 1984-1985
FXST Softail 1984-1990
FXST Softail Standard 1999
FXSTB Softail Night Train 1999
FXSTC Softail Custom 1986-1999
FXSTS Springer Softail 1988-1999
FXSTSB Softail Bad Boy 1995-1997
FXWG Wide Glide 1984-1986
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