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About Psychic

Going fast is sexy, but you'll never get near being awesome if your bike is pooped out while you save up to buy expensive OEM replacement motorcycle parts. Enter Psychic MX parts - it's like they knew we all wanted inexpensive motorcycle parts that are built to the same standards as the OEM dirtbike parts!

Everything in the Psychic motorcycle parts catalog is built to meet or exceed OEM specifications, giving you, the rider on a budget, the ability to replace all the vital components to keep your bike running without calling in a loan. From water pumps and valve stem seals to crank shafts and brake pedals, check out our giant selection of Psychic motorcycle parts.

If it's a common wear item, like replacing a clutch cable or bent spokes, it's available from Psychic and ready to swap straight out with your original parts. Be it Japanese or European motocross parts, there's a part for the most common needs from Psychic MX.